Saturday, March 14, 2009

Symbol for Indian Rupee

Major currencies of the world e.g. $ (US Dollar), £ (Pound Sterling), ¥ (Yen) and the € (Euro) have an Identification symbol. The Government of India also proposes to have a symbol for the Indian rupee to be selected through public competition.

They have invited all Resident Indians (both Professional artists and Non-professionals) to participate in a Competition for design of the 'Symbol for Indian Rupee'.

Read more about it here.


Anonymous said...

Govt.of India , economic affair department ran a competetion to design a symbol for rupee like dollar have $ at its website

here is my entery to the contest..
My simplest yet worthy “peace of art” for Indian Rupee Symbol link..

Soumen Das said...

My new Link is here: