Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Babson Year 1

Can't believe we are done with the first year of MBA @ Babson College. From creativity to bufoonery it was an exciting journey.

After the initial post I had written while starting school Babson MBA indeed kept me more than busy.

In terms of the curriculum the year was divided into 4 modules. Each module was cross-disciplinary, and built on those that came before. Although on paper we only covered all of the below in reality it was much more than that. Besides the intense curriculum the learning opportunities outside the classroom provided a truly holistic experience.

Module I - Creative Management in Dynamic Organizations
ESR - Ethics and Social Responsibility
CCD - Career Development
COM - Communications
CMDO - Creative Management in Dynamic Orgs.
FIBD - Financial Impact of Business Decisions
FSS - Fundamental Skills Session
LAW - Law
LDO - Leadership in Dynamic Organizations

Module II - Assessing Business Opportunities
CSCA - Competitive Strategy & Competitive Assessment
DA - Data Analysis
FIBD - Financial Impact of Business Decisions
MEIA - Market Environment & Industry Adjustment
MODA - Market Opportunity: Definition & Assessment
MCF - Managing Cash Flows

Module III - Designing and Managing the Delivery System
DMS - Designing Marketing Systems
DSS - Decision Support Systems
ESR - Ethics and Social Responsibility
ISM - Information Systems for Managers
LAW - Law
MVC - Managing and Valuing Cash Flows
ODP - Organizational Design Process
SCS - Strategic Cost Systems
TOM - Technology and Operations Management

Module IV - Managing Business in a Changing Global Environment
ESR - Ethics and Social Responsibility
ER - Entrepreneurial Renewal
FS - Financial Strategy
LAW - Law
MGE - Managing in a Global Economy
NBS - National Business Systems

The highlight has to be the Babson Consulting Alliance Program (BCAP) experience. The BCAP Program delivers cost effective competitive analysis and consulting services to alliance companies while providing a real business-world environment for MBA candidates to utilize what we've learned in the classroom.

... and before I could retrospect I am already wearing business casuals and putting the theory into practice over the summer in a biopharmaceutical company. Can't get better than that!!

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